Too often, when we ask to get to know someone, we are interested only in their accomplishments, not in their character. I catch myself trying to impress people with where I have gone and what I have done. But my worth is not determined by specific accomplishments or acclamation.
So here is a snapshot of me, without all the distracting efforts to gain attention:
I am a child of the Living King through His unfathomable grace. I am a truth-seeker and value integrity in myself and others. I am a recovering perfectionist who is slowly learning that my mistakes mean neither that the world will spin off its axis nor that I will be loved any less by God. I enjoy investing in people, especially through conversation and a cup of tea. I am addicted to rock climbing--no, literally addicted. I sink into withdrawals when I go too long in between climbs. Ask my roommates. My family is important to me. I would not be who I am without their guidance and relationship. I am always eager to learn something new. Nothing beats curling up on a couch on a rainy day with an outstanding book. (Speaking of which, someday I want a library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and a sliding ladder). When I take in the stars on a cloudless night, I realize the vastness of Creation and the enormity of the Creator. My radio is set to classical music and Rachmaninoff is my favourite composer. Through travel I glimpse a realm greater than my individual reality and desire to experience different cultures through God's eyes. In the morning I like a mug of freshly ground Peet's French Coffee with a splash of milk and in the evening I like a teacup of PG Tips with a scoop of sugar and evaporated milk. The way that music communicates wordless emotions is still magic to me. I am British at heart. When I am faced with a new situation, I often am so nervous that I feel I am going to throw up. However, when I push past the fear and anxiety, and attain what I previously thought impossible, the rewards are phenomenal. I wish to never miss an opportunity because I have become mired in the frightened stage.