07 October 2010


This week, teaching has been tough and I have not yet fully ascertained why. The rhythm that I had started to fall into with my students is currently a little wobbly. Maybe part of the reason is that the novelty shine is beginning to wear off. During the week, I have the most difficult time planning and executing lesson plans for my after-school combo classes. These are not quite clubs, for the students are volunteered by their parents or teachers. Mixing antsy kids ready to be done with school, a conglomeration of grades and speaking abilities, and no teacher to assist with discipline has made these classes a challenge. I want my students to be excited and entertained while learning English during the forty minutes they are with me. I search for topics that will interest the students and activities they will enjoy. When I have poured hours into creating a way to present the information and all I receive is the "I'm bored" vibe, it is bitter blow. I need more elasticity, more rebound to be able to approach the next class with renewed energy and excitement. This is not every class and I have had many lessons that have gone over exceptionally well, I am aware of my tendency to focus on negative. I have to look at the small achievements, the incremental steps my students are making toward being more conversant in English. I must draw on a strength not my own in order to survive the year.

On a different note, I had a great time making curry with my host mother today. She has made it several times for the family and it is one of my favourite dishes in Korea. Today, I asked if she would teach me the process and I think she was pleased by the request. She laughed at the onion-induced tears ruining my makeup. It was a great cultural exchange, for I had just introduced her to the perfect British cup of PG Tips tea (one spoonful of sugar and a splash of milk, please). I received my order of two hundred forty tea bags from the UK, so I should be set for a couple of months at least. Life is good.

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