31 July 2010


Today I joined a group of about twenty-five ETAs in an amazing archery lesson. We had the opportunity to practice at the same archery field that the Korean Olympic team practiced on and receive instruction from the coach who led the Korean archery team to a gold medal at the Olympics. There was a little bit of excitement.....

We began the afternoon by learning the basic posture in holding a bow and arrow. I found it slightly different that I have to stand at a ninety degree angle from my target. Also, the bows that we were using had a sight about three inches up from the arrow. After everyone was fairly comfortable with the stance we got to practice shooting a target approximately ten meters (39 feet) away. Three or four people were shooting at the same target, and we would shoot six arrows before stopping to retrieve them. The first person to strike yellow (the center circle, worth ten points) got a free T-shirt. I was not that person. Amidst the laughs and encouragement, we had a great time and learned how to shoot. I hit paper every time and made it into the inner circle for several shots-I even had a couple of shots within an inch of the exact center :). I cannot imagine how to hit the Olympic distance targets-I think they were 70 meters away! Archery is an entertaining sport and I would love to come back to this range to practice or watch a tournament.

After archery a couple of us walked into town and went to a kimbap restaurant. Kimbap is kind of like sushi rolls without the fish. It is cheap and really yummy!

 Alanna and I wandering around before we began archery.
Lined up for practicing the positions.
The instructor and I.
The target after my group's best round.
Jinhee (my roommate) and I.

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